We have been made aware of scammers attempting to use names of our staff in order to post fake jobs, fake offers of a seat in a program, and even fake interviews in order to get get banking information and other personal information. Please be aware that our email addresses will never end in domains such as gmail, hotmail, outlook, or yahoo and that you may call us any time if you have questions about a job post or another offer using our name. Stay safe and thank you.

DeNovo Program

DENOVO means NEW and that’s just what this program is: a new start for students, particularly those who have come out of industry sectors that are struggling such as lumbers, mills, mines, campwork, oil and gas, or other sectors. It’s also ideal for anyone looking to completely pivot to a new program or start a brand new career!

Graduates of this program are able to switch careers to something more service related or to another sector that can allow them to make use of their past experiences combined with current training to succeed in a new career path.

DeNovo is unique because of the three week skills training component and our ability to create customized cohorts. Examples of custom programs that have been delivered to classrooms across BC:

  • A program in partnership with Northern Health to prepare students to work in housekeeping or in the food preparation. This program is being delivered in Terrace and Prince George BC, to start.
  • A program in partnership with BC Corrections to get students the tools they need to do well in an interview to work with BC Corrections (
  • An 8 week program called Hire Ed which prepares students to go to university and college. It includes prep classes for understanding what it’s like to go to post secondary school, study techniques and a laptop kitted out with Microsoft Office. Successful completion gets students one semester of tuition and books paid for.
In this round of the program, we hope to reach out to more rural and remote students, students with barriers to employment, and those who have been laid off from their positions and aren’t sure what to do next.
You deserve a new start!

To get more information about these customizable DeNovo programs, Contact Us, or check out our Facebook page. You can also visit our Calendar to view upcoming start dates.

This program does not require approval by the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills. As such PTIB did not review this program.

The DeNovo Program provides participants with the essential skills needed for today’s workplace.  The program is designed to teach the nine essential skills as defined by Service Canada and viewed from the employer’s point of view.  It includes a three week skills training component based on the individual specific employment needs of the client.

DeNovo Certificate (CVTC), up to five STOC (Short Term Occupational Certificates)
By the end of the program the participant should be able to work in any type of business operation including skilled labour (i.e. journeyman, apprentice, etc), semi-professional, management, and office environs based on previous experience and/or employment history.
Must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person legally entitled to work in Canada, living in British Columbia, and not a full time student. This program is also targeted towards persons who live in communities impacted by the downturn in the forestry sector.

Classes are scheduled for a mandatory six hours per day, four days a week (Tuesday to Friday). Class time is scheduled from 9:00 – 3:30 daily, with additional lab time after class. It is highly recommended that all participants plan to spend a minimum of six hours a day at the Centre.

Dependent upon need, supports could include attendance support, living support, re-location assistance, wage subsidies, scholarships, completion rewards, travel or other supports needed to complete the program. As this is an employment program many of the supports are based on an individual’s need, once the participant is employed or furthering their education.
Participants will be evaluated through participation, attendance, and attitude throughout the program as well as securing employment, or further training, upon completion of the program.
As part of the DeNovo Program, participants are required to complete a two week work experience. CVTC will work with employer partners to identify possible training place hosts for participants based on previous work experience and suitability.

Program Outline

Note: The order in which you take your courses may NOT be the same as listed below.

Course Course Name Hours
Strategies for Success
Word Core
Focused Skills Training
MS Outlook
Essential Skills
Job Club
Work Experience
Total Hours
Course Duration-Weeks

Mission Statement

Educate, Empower, Employ

Educating individuals using up-to-date curriculum, Empowering them to take control of their future and become Employed in a career of their choice.


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